敷島 の大和 の国は言霊 の幸はふ国ぞ ま幸 くありこそ
(長歌)葦原 の瑞穂 の国は神 ながら言 挙 げせぬ国
しかれども言 挙 げぞ我 がする 言幸 く ま幸 くませと
つつみなく幸 くいまさば荒磯浪 ありても見むと百重浪 千重浪 にしき言 挙 げす我 は言 挙 げす我 は
As the land of reeds, the land of plenty rice-plants,
Is of God’s nature, men have no high words at all,
Yet nevertheless, I would speak it up in high words
That my lord may be as happy as happy can be,
Without any harm, he may be blessed with fortune;
If so, like the waves, I shall continue to live
And meet him again; I will speak up in high words
Incessantly like the waves.
This country of isles, Shikishima, Yamato,
Is the very land
Where thrives the soul of language;
Therefore, may my lord be blessed.